Welcome to the official website of Kunshan Feitter Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Hotline:0512-36904088
RTO waste gas incineration system
datetime:2019-12-20   Hits:756

Applicable industries: new materials industry, electronics industry, chemical industry, rubber and plastics industry, automobile industry, ceramics industry, waste and sewage odor industry, mold industry, new energy industry, machinery processing and manufacturing industries

Adapted concentration: high concentration

Maximum processing efficiency: 95%

Air volume: 1000 --- 120000m3 / h

Treatment process: wet filtration / dry filtration + molecular sieve + RTO

Emission Standard:
"Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants" GB14554--93

                                   "Integrated Emission Standards for Air Pollutants" GB16297-1996
                                   "Standard for Volatile Organic Compounds Emission Control" (GB37822-2019)